Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine, September - October 2007
Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine from Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. Here is September and October issues.
October 2007
Preliminary election results: five parties will be represented in the new Parliament.
Real GDP growth decelerated to 7.5% yoy between January and August due to slowdown in agriculture value added.
The President blocked the privatisation of Odessa By-Port Plant and suspended the sales of oblenergo shares.
Current account deficit widened to USD 2.0 bn (3.4% GDP) in the first half of the year.
Central fiscal deficit went down to 1.0% of GDP in August, primarily due to under-execution of expenditures.
The Draft State Budget 2008: social standards are to be further increased.
Inflation accelerated to 14.4% yoy in September.
First Internet transaction took place at the PFTS.
September 2007
Parliamentary election campaign is going forward.
Real GDP grew at 7.7% yoy between January and July backed by still high agricultural growth.
The subordination of the National Commission on Communication Regulation remains unclear.
According to the Derzhkomstat, the positive service trade balance started to shrink due to lower volumes of gas transit through Ukraine.
In July the central fiscal deficit increased to 1.2% of GDP.
Although reduced, unemployment is still more widespread among females, youth, and rural population.
The NBU tries to impose new capital controls.
Inflation accelerated to 14.2% yoy in August.