Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine, September - November 2007
Monthly Economic Monitor Ukraine from Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting. Here is November issue.
The official results on pre-term elections to the Verkhovna Rada were published on October 27, with two weeks delay.
Real GDP growth was 7.3% yoy between January and September, relying mostly on high private domestic demand.
Exports of grain harvested this year will start not earlier than in December due to cumbersome quota administration procedures.
Between January and September the current account deficit increased to USD 2.5 bn, but was sufficiently covered by high inflows of long-term capital.
Central fiscal deficit widened to UAH 7.5 bn (1.5% of GDP) in September.
Inflation accelerated to 14.8% yoy in October.
The NBU revised the regulations on the costs of external borrowings.