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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lviv Presented Its Investment Projects For EURO-2012

On March 6th, 2008 Mr. Oleg Synyutka, 1st Vice Mayor of Lviv and Mrs. Oksana Slysarenko, Deputy Head of the Presidential Secretariat hosted a special meeting for investment and diplomatic community on the priority investment projects for the upcoming EURO-2012.

Mr. Synyutka together with his colleagues from the Lviv City Administration responsible for the economic and investment policy presented Lviv as one of the cities hosting EURO-2012 outlining advantages of Lviv City, many important areas needed foreign and local investments as well as detailed description of certain projects. For more detailed information please contact: Tel/Fax.: +380 (322) 97-5900 / 03, e-mail: or

Here the short presentation, which includes statistics, economic updates, investments and EURO-2012 projects including airport reconstruction, hotels, and sport facilities, city development chapters and others.